Explorations of Appropriation in Systemic and Ecosocial Design: A workshop and collaborative autoethnography

Venue: Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD12) Symposium

Date: October 2023
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About:This workshop examines how the work of anthropologist and cybernetician Gregory Bateson informs deeper understandings of the complexities of environmental crises and the practical challenges of designing adaptive responses

‎Architectural Wilding‎

/ Resources: Conversation series Architectural Wilding Architectural Wilding Marie Davidova (University of Stuttgart) Jeff Turko (University of Brighton) 16:45-17:45. Thursday 29 June 2023. Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton, BN1 1YD.

‎Positionality in Design Research and Design Education

/ Resources: Conversation series Positionality in Design Research and Design Education Positionality in Design Research and Design Education Sally Sutherland (University of Brighton) Simon Sadler (UC Davis) 15:30-16:30. Thursday 29 June 2023. Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton, BN1 1YD. Sally Sutherland (University of Brighton) Simon Sadler (UC Davis) 15:30-16:30. Thursday 29 June 2023. Brighthelm Centre, […]

Re-Use Aesthetics and the Architectural Roots of Ecological Crisis

/ Resources: Publication Re-Use Aesthetics and the Architectural Roots of Ecological Crisis RE-USE AESTHETICS AND THE ARCHITECTURAL ROOTS OF ECOLOGICAL CRISIS Ben Sweeting Contribution to The Pedagogies of Re-Use, edited by Duncan Baker-Brown and Graeme Brooker, a volume that documents an online summer school in 2021 in which over 100 participants considered architectural propositions responding […]


/ Resources: Publication ARCHITECTURE, ECOLOGY, AND HUBRIS Architecture, Ecology, Hubris Ben Sweeting In the context of the emerging environmental consciousness of the 1960s and 1970s, cybernetician Gregory Bateson identified one root cause of ecological crisis as Western culture’s hubristic tendency to see humans as separate from, above, and in competition with the environments on which […]

Design and Regenerative Practices

/ Events: External Event Design and Regenerative Practices Design and Regenerative Practices Daniel Christian Wahl in conversation with Dulmini Perera. Including a panel response with research team + discussion with audience. We are happy to extend a public invitation to join the full research team of the AHRC-DFG funded ‘Enacting Gregory Bateson’s Ecological Aesthetics in Architecture […]

Double Bind, Decoloniality, the Question of Aesthetics: Madina Tlostanova in conversation with Dulmini Perera

/ Resources: Conversation series Double Bind, Decoloniality, the Question of Aesthetics: Madina Tlostanova in Conversation with Dulmini Perera Double Bind, Decoloniality, the Question of Aesthetics: Madina Tlostanova in Conversation with Dulmini Perera Download Sketch To use podcast showmarks and get more information click the link Q&A participants: Dulmini Perera, Madina Tlostanova, Jon Goodbun, Joanna Boehnert, […]

Mind, Ecology, Enaction – Encounters between Gregory Bateson and Francisco Varela: Evan Thompson and Bruce Clarke in Conversation with Dulmini Perera

/ Resources: Conversation series Mind, Ecology, Enaction – Encounters between Gregory Bateson and Francisco Varela: Evan Thompson and Bruce Clarke in Conversation with Dulmini Perera Mind, Ecology, Enaction – Encounters between Gregory Bateson and Francisco Varela: Evan Thompson and Bruce Clark in Conversation with Dulmini Perera Download Sketch To use podcast showmarks and get more […]

COLife—More-Than-Human Community Codesign: Cocreating Synergetic Post-Anthropocene Within Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance

/ Resources: Publication COLife—More-Than-Human Community Codesign: Cocreating Synergetic Post-Anthropocene Within Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance COLife—More-Than-Human Community Codesign: Cocreating Synergetic Post-Anthropocene Within Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance Marie Davidová, Maria Claudia Valverde Rojas, and Hanane Behnam The Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance (SAAP) looks at an ecosystem as a more-than-human community and searches for its […]