Here you can explore the outcomes of Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec iaculis nisi in gravida tristique. Nulla lacinia diam vitae odio tincidunt, eu semper nisi fermentum.
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“A metalogue is a conversation about some problematic subject. This conversation should be such that not only do the participants discuss the problem but the structure of the conversation as a whole is also relevant to the same subject(…) Notably, the history of evolutionary theory is inevitably a metalogue between man and nature, in which the creation and interaction of ideas must necessarily exemplify evolutionary process.” Gregory Bateson, Steps Towards an Ecology of Mind (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000), 2.
Ecology of Mind; lecture notes. Fall 1976. Box 81, Gregory Bateson Papers. UCSC Special Collections and Archives. Note: A BSC lecture course covreing topics such as aesthetics, classification of coding, Double bind, learning III
Warren Brodey and Gregory Bateson, “At the watershed between ecological and non ecological thinking: The Treaty of Kalakakua Bay” unpublished transcript of a dialog, Oceanic Institute, Hawaii, May 1972. Warren Brodey Archives, Institut für Zeitgeschichte, UNniversity of Vienna. Note:The treaty ( misspelled as ‘Kalakakua Bay’ instead of ‘Kealakekua Bay’ in the typewritten copy) contains one of the most explicit conversations between Gregory Bateson and psychiatrist, systems designer Warren Brodey about the complicated relationships between ecology, time, and action particularly in the context of change driven by various forms of accelerating technological development. An informally recorded flow of ideas between Bateson and Brodey in the form of a treaty appears in both the UCSC Archives and Institut für Zeitgeschichte archive at University of Vienna . The dicussion touches on the following themes:(1) Bateson’s response to concepts of time grains, event aggregates and rhythms (2) contrasts between Mechymax technology vs . bioptemes technology (3) Contrats between clockwork machines vs. biological systems (3) A critique of ultrastable systems and the significance of noise, play and heterogeneity.