/ Resources: Conversation series

The Two Ecologies/The Three Ecologies


The research has been supported by an AHRC-DFG research grant 2023-25 Enacting Gregory Bateson’s Ecological Aesthetics. I am indebted to my co-investigators for our various dialogues. I am particularly indebted here to Dulmini Perera and Simon Sadler for reminding us that the concepts “cosmology” and “cosmotechnics” might be useful, to Ben Sweeting, who has raised the need to think through the possibility of environmental geoengineering responses to global warming, from a Batesonian perspective, to Marie Davidova for provoking practical questions concerning interfaces with our wider ecology of mind, and to a conversation with Ben and Joanna Boehnert about the nature of weeds.


  1. Goodbun, Jon (2011). The Architecture of the Extended Mind: towards a critical urban ecology (PhD) London: University of Westminster. https://westminsterre- search.westminster.ac.uk/item/8zy32/ the-architecture-of-the-extended-mind-to- wards-a-critical-urban-ecology
  2. Goodbun, Jon (2022a). How Many Ecologies? From Bateson to Guattari and back again. Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design, RSD11. Article 130. https://rsdsymposium.org/how-many-ecologies-80
  3. Guattari, Felix (1989). Trois Eìcologies. Paris: eìditions Galileìe.